With all the news about colon cancers, we think of switching to vegetarian diets. Maybe we can try this dinengdeng recipe. This is an Ilocano recipe as vegetables abound in the backyards of the Ilocanos.
- 1 cup water
- 1 pc grilled fish, sliced
- 2 tbsps bagoong Balayan, strained
- 2 tbsps shallots
- 1 tbsp ginger
- 1 tbsp tomato
- 1 cup string beans, cut into 1" pcs
- 1 cup ampalaya, sliced
- 1 cup eggplant, sliced
- salt and pepper
- Boil water with fish to absorb flavor.
- Remove the fish and set aside.
- Pour in bagoong Balayan. Let it boil.
- Add ahallots and ginger.
- Add the string beans then the eggplant and, lastly, the ampalaya.
- Simmer for a few minutes and add the tomato. Let it boil again.
- Lastly, add the grilled fish on top and simmer to cook.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.